05 – Don’t Be an A-Hole

Welcome to Episode 5! Don’t Be an Asshole!

Joining me today are Missy and Brooks Bird as we discuss conflict resolution.  Missy is a retired Movie Critic, currently works in Internal Communications and still does Theater reviews.  Brooks is still currently a movie, thus being how they met.


We all saw the new Alice through the looking Glass movie and discuss it a bit at the beginning. For his full review, check him out on at http://www.thereelplace.com/movie-review/alice-through-the-looking-glass and you can find my full review on it at http://boredashellcast.com/51-alice-through-the-lobster-glass/

Next we talk about Captain America Civil War, Why be Assholes for a Moral Stand? Are they just acting like stubborn Children?

Check out the John Gottman Institute and the book, “And Baby Makes 3” for excellent suggestions on hearing the other side.
Practice listing to the other side and being able to repeat back what they are saying before you continue. Even if you are right, if you fail to stop and listen then you are cannot stay right by default.

Pick you battles. Be careful at work and learn how to manage conflict at work.
There is a difference between comic egging on and fun and that of serious fighting over fictional Media.

Are our favorite movies really good, or are we biased? Is it worth arguing over? Such as Empire Records and Crime Wave.

Be open to the other side of the argument. Not everyone has to share your opinion to get along or even date and be family.  Losing Friendships or relationships with family are not worth it, especially over media and politics.

You can say something and talk about it all you want, if you don’t act on it it means nothing.  There is so much theology versus the real Practice of things.


Living in anger is like a Choose your own adventure in your marriage.  Who knows if you’ll end up in the same place? Is it worth it?

Business Resolution Vrs Personal Resolution. We are with our coworkers as much as we are with our family in waking hours, so try to treat them that way and with respect.  Learn how to keep and use health boundaries and learn from our mistakes.

Listen to our take and resolution for Captain America: Civil War. #TeamCapMan

Our kids and those closes to us can try our patience and abilities in different ways than anyone else.

The internet makes things weird for gatekeeping and bullying. We talk about our comic con panel on that subject.

The transgendered bathroom issue.

Media exposure of issues to cause emotional conflicts, such as the bathroom issue and Ebola in the past.

Let’s work to take the negativity out of the internet, and out of life.

Geek Show Fit- look it up and be a part of it! So much positive in the group. Leigh George Kade and Rachel Kade are doing amazing things there. Name drop a few of our friends in the group like Jim, Carrie, Rob, Adam, Steve, and Kat Martin.


Remember= Don’t be an Asshole.  Put things into perspective. And Try to be a positive force in the world.